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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Got questions? Check out the FAQs below to see if we can help.

Scholarship Funding

How can I apply for this scholarship?

  • The Chancellor’s Associates Scholars Program does not have an application. Student eligibility and determination are administered through the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office and Undergraduate Admissions.
  • One institution or organization through an Individual nominator can nominate up to 2 candidates during the UC application process. The application process, deadlines, and eligibility requirements are assessed annually by the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office and Undergraduate Admissions.

How much money will this scholarship award me?

  • First-year admitted first-year students will receive $10,000 per academic year for four years. First-year admitted transfers will receive $10,000 per academic year for two years.

How many years will I receive the scholarship?

  • Entering first-year students will receive the scholarship funding for up to four years and will retain the scholarship benefits during their tenure at UCSD. Entering transfer students will receive for up to two years and will retain the scholarship benefits during their tenure at UCSD.

What happens if I don’t graduate in two years (transfers)/four years (first years)?

  • Students who stay longer than two years(transfer)/four years (first years) will continue to be a part of the Chancellor’s Associates Scholars Program. Students can still take advantage of academic support programs and events the CASP office will organize. However, students will no longer receive the Chancellor’s Associates Scholarship or receive guaranteed on-campus housing.

Can my CASP scholarship cover my College Orientation?

  • A financial aid student, who has enough financial aid to cover all of their fees and tuition, can have their Orientation Fee paid with their fall financial aid disbursement.

What is TRIP and should I sign up for it? 

  • TRIP (Triton Registration Installment Plan) is a payment plan for tuition and fees only. CASP students are typically awarded other forms of financial aid that cover the cost of tuition and fees. If you are thinking about joining TRIP, we’d encourage you to first have a conversation with The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, before signing up for TRIP.  Please note that TRIP is not a plan used for Housing and Dining expenses.

I'm planning on living off-campus for the 2024-2025 academic year and I won't be living with parents. My financial aid package defaults to "living with parents," does that mean that I'll receive less financial aid?

Given the situation with COVID and UC San Diego’s Return to Learn, your initial financial aid package will be based on a Living with Parent budget which is now reflected on your 2024-25 TritonLink.

  • If you will be living with your parents for the 2020-21 academic year, no action is required.
  • If you will be living off campus, but not with parents or family, contact the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office at stating your correct housing status (either Living On-Campus or Living Off Campus). If you are updating your status to Living Off Campus, please provide supporting documentation, such as a copy of your lease showing your name and rental dates for 2020-21.

Can I get my Orientation Fee deferred?

  • Orientation Fees are handled by the individual colleges and are not something the CASP Office or the Financial Aid Office typically get involved with. We suggest emailing your college dean to inquire as to their specific policy.

Please note the deadline to submit this documentation to adjust fall financial aid is October 16th, 2024, but to ensure your financial aid accurately reflects your housing status we recommend submitting documentation as soon as possible prior to the Fall fee deadline.

GPA and Academic Commitments

Is there a minimum GPA requirement to maintain the scholarship?

  • Students must maintain Good Academic Standing to maintain the scholarship funding and must meet the scholarship program commitments to remain in the scholarship program.

How many times per quarter do I need to meet with my academic advisor to maintain scholarship eligibility?

  • You need to meet with your College academic advisor a minimum of two times per academic quarter for your first year at UC San Diego.  You will be asked to check in a minimum of one time per academic quarter with your College academic advisor during your second year. Students do not need to provide documentation to CASP after their meeting with their college advisor.

 When do I begin receiving priority registration benefits?

  • Students who are part of the Chancellor’s Associates Scholars Program, and maintain their eligibility requirements, receive priority class registration for every quarter they are a registered student at UC San Diego. A students’ priority registration begins the Winter Quarter of their first year at UCSD and continues afterward.

How will the scholarship be distributed to me?

  • The $10,000 scholarship award will be evenly distributed to you throughout the academic year ($3,333.00 paid evenly over 3 academic quarters).

What happens if I drop a class and I go below 12 units?

  • If you a thinking about dropping a class and will be going below 12 units (which is considered full-time student status for UC San Diego), we highly encourage students to meet with their college academic advisor and the Financial Aid & Scholarship office. Depending on when a student drops a class, it might affect their Financial Aid package in different ways.

Can I be a part-time student and still be a part of CASP?

  • Students can request to go into part-time status and still be a part of the Chancellor’s Associates Scholars Program. However, we highly encourage students to visit the Financial Aid & Scholarship to receive information on how their financial aid package will be affected by change in status.
  • Additionally, part-time status may impact a student’s housing situation. If a student is thinking about going part-time, please contact Housing, Dining, and Hospitality.

If I take a quarter off, will I lose my scholarship?

  • Students can take a quarter off without losing their Chancellor’s Associates Scholarship. If students will be withdrawing from a quarter, they must first meet with their college academic advisor office to complete the official withdrawal process with their college. They must also inform the Financial Aid & Scholarship office about their withdrawal to pause their scholarship for the quarter they will be absent.



Does the scholarship cover my housing?

  • As a CASP scholar, you are guaranteed housing (as long as you meet all housing deadlines). Your CASP scholarship can be applied to your housing charges once your tuition and fees are paid in full each quarter. Your housing costs are dependent on the housing choices that you make as well as which dining plans you select. In some cases, the scholarship will cover these expenses, but if you select a higher-cost housing choice, the scholarship may not cover 100% of these expenses. 

Is the scholarship money available during the housing prepayment deadlines (which typically occur prior to when my scholarship is disbursed)?

  • CASP students are not required to make a $450 prepayment to complete the housing contracting process and will be presented with an alternative form to complete instead. For questions, please email

What special housing guarantee do I get?

  • Incoming CASP first-year students get four years of housing if all housing deadlines are met.  Four years is defined as 12 consecutive quarters beginning with Fall Quarter and excluding summers.  Incoming CASP Transfer students get two years of housing if all housing deadlines are met.  Two years is defined as 6 consecutive quarters beginning with Fall Quarter and excluding summers.

 Does studying abroad affect my housing guarantee?

  • No, as long as you are attending a UC-sponsored study abroad program.  However, your study abroad time does not extend your housing guarantee.  Your housing guarantee continues to lapse while you are studying abroad. 

Do I get priority with my housing assignment and room selection? 

  • No, all housing assignments and room selection lottery time assignments are completely random. 

Can I still get guaranteed housing if I’m planning on living in family housing?

  • Yes, students can still receive guaranteed housing even if they’re planning on living in family housing. However, students must contact Housing, Dining, and Hospitality, to know more about their deadlines and requirements.

If I decide to live off-campus, does the CASP scholarship cover my housing? How would I pay for expenses off-campus?

  • All financial aid which includes the CASP award is first disbursed to your student account. The student account includes fees and tuition, bookstore charges and if living on campus, and on-campus housing charges.

    Once all charges are paid with the financial aid awards (each quarter), if there are excess funds, we will refund them to you.

    If you choose to live off of campus, the same process will occur, however, there won’t be any on-campus housing charges, so we will refund you the amount of financial aid AFTER the tuition and fees are paid.

    Budgeting is an important aspect of this choice. Financial Aid is disbursed 3 times a year (Fall, Winter, and Spring).

    Your off-campus rent will be due every month. So your Fall financial aid refund will need to assist with all of your off-campus expenses, from September, October, and November. The Winter financial aid would happen in December. And so on.

    Keeping a budget will be critical to help you have enough funding to keep you throughout the full year.

When will I find out my room assignment (for incoming freshmen and incoming transfers)? 

  • Room assignments will be available in late August.  All students with housing contracts will be contacted via email once that information is available. 

I need to change my dining plan and/or housing installment payment plan.  How can I do that?  

  • To change your housing installment payment plan, please log into the Housing Portal and fill out a housing installment payment plan change form. If you need to change your dining plan, please reach out to CASP at

Summer Session, Study Abroad, and Global Seminars

Does my scholarship cover Summer Session?

  • No, the Chancellor’s Associates Scholarship award only applies for the regular academic school year including Fall, Spring, and Winter quarters but excludes all summer sessions.

Will my scholarship help me to pay for summer housing?

  • No, you have guaranteed housing on campus during the summer (given deadlines are met) but financial aid will not apply to cover the costs

Will this scholarship help to cover the costs of Global Seminars?

  • This scholarship does not cover any summer expenses including Global Seminars.

Will this scholarship help me fund my study abroad program?

  • If you travel abroad through EAP, all your financial aid, including the $10,000 Chancellor’s Associates Scholarship, will carry over to help cover your study abroad costs. However, it will not apply during summer abroad programs. Contact the Programs Abroad Office and financial aid office for more detailed financing plans concerning your specific travel abroad program.
  • If you travel abroad through OAP, only state and federal aid will carry over to help pay for your costs. No UCSD-based aid, including this scholarship, will help to finance your costs. This applies to both the regular academic year and all summer sessions.


Will this scholarship help to cover the costs for UCDC?

  • All your financial aid, including all UCSD-based aid such as this scholarship, will help to cover the costs for UCDC. However, this scholarship only applies for Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters and so will not apply for UCDC during the summer. Speak directly with the Academic Internship Office for more detailed UCDC budgeting concerns.

Have a question? Feel free to contact us at for more information.