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CASP OASIS Learning Communities (OLCs)


Group of UC San Diego CASP students holding a banner that reads TRANSFER OLC
2017 transfer students cohort gathers for a photo after their OLC. 

About OLC Seminars

CASP Learning Communities (OLCs) are 50-minute learning community seminars that give students an opportunity to engage with peers on topics ranging from transitioning into college to utilizing on-campus resources and more. OLCs provide a consistent, small group environment that provides a network of support. 

CASP OLCs take place Weeks 2–10 in the Fall Quarter, Weeks 2-9 in the Winter Quarter, and Weeks 2-9 in the Spring Quarter. 

As a reminder, OLCs are only required and open to CASP students in their first year at UC San Diego. 


Registration for Fall 2024 will be emailed to incoming students during Week 0 of Fall Quarter.  For any questions or concerns, please contact us at


Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines are guidelines that are made to create a safe space within the OLC. Each OLC has a different set of community guidelines, and the list is always changing! 

Here are the CASP OLC community guidelines:

  • Be Respectful (Attack the idea, not the individual) - those that share ideas should be respected and if need be the idea should be broken down, not the individual.
  • Listen to each other - respect includes active listening. Students must show full attention to their OLC leaders as well as their peers.
  • One mic, one star - When someone else is speaking there should be no one else speaking.
  • Embrace the silence - Silence is ok! Everyone processes information differently and this needs to be respected. 
  • "I" Statements - Be accountable for what you say. Students should not assume for their peers or other groups. 
  • Inclusive Language - Practice inclusive language for all identities.
  • Vegas Rule - Whatever is said in the space, stays in the space. However, whatever is learned in the space leaves it!
  • Lean into your discomfort - Practice trying to challenge yourself to share or contribute to the OLC. Everyone is part of this learning community! 
  • Have fun! - Self-explanatory :)